Asian Software Pvt ITI A Unit of ICMS
Asian Software Pvt ITI [A Unit of ICMS]
Recognised by J&K Government & Affiliated With JK State Board of Technical Education.
& Affiliated with ICMS -Established Under Section 8 Act of 1956, Govt of India.
Asian Software Pvt ITI Recognized by J&K GOVERNMENT & Affiliated With STATE BOARD OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION J&K, Run by INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER MANAGEMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION (ICMS) is a registered organization under section 25 act of 1956, under registration no : NPL004266 Dated :14-11-2014 by CENTRAL GOVT OF INDIA., engaged in training. in order to promote entrepreneurship and Skill Development and RUN ICMS Skill Development Courses.
About Organization (ICMS) : The INSTITUTE OF COMPUTER MANAGEMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION (ICMS) is a registered organization under MCA, under registration no: NPL004266 Dated: 14-11-2014 by central Govt of India., engaged in training, . In order to promote entrepreneurship and Skill Development. The major activities of the Institute include Technical Training , Skill Development training , Training of Trainers, ICMS has provided training to thousands persons till date through 6 different training programme since inception. The most important requirement for becoming ICMS Business Partner is passion for IT education business. We constantly look for passionate Business Partners who are committed to build a Long term business relationship with ICMS.
About Fastrack Institute of IT & CSE [A Unit of ICMS] Accredited Under National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology (NIELIT) Formally DOEACC is an autonomous scientific society under the Indian Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology. NIELIT offers various courses and certifications in the field of information technology and electronics, ranging from basic computer courses to advanced diploma programs. NIELIT is engaged both in Formal & Non-Formal Education in the area of Information, Electronics & Communications Technology (IECT) besides development of industry oriented quality education and training programmes in the state-of-the-art areas. NIELIT has endeavoured to establish standards to be the country’s premier institution for Examination and Certification in the field of IECT. It is also one of the National Examination Body, which accredits institutes/organizations for conducting courses in IT in the non-formal sector.
Mission Quality learning to the illiterate / literate workforce, Industry relevant skill need based courses, Learning at nominal cost, Encourage Entrepreneurship
1. To promote employment oriented skill, up gradation training to the adolescent girls and ladies from the community
2. To use these groups as a platform for generating awareness on social issues
3. To encourage self-employment by acting support agency for providing necessary help
4. To certify and to liaison with the trained institutes in order to strengthen training placements opportunities for the trained girls and ladies
Targeted Groups: Rural/Urban masses with focus on the discriminated, disadvantaged, unemployed and women. The main causes of taking the project to the Urban & Rural areas of the J&K are: Unemployment is one of the burning issues among youth. Due to lack of right skills, the poor people unable to utilize the available local resources. The better half of the population, that is women, of the J&K remain jobless. There is another target to provide training for the Unemployed Youth to make them involved in the income generating program. Our educational system will also be a dynamic section of providing proper education to the students, based on practical works.