Asian Software Pvt ITI A Unit of ICMS

Helpline : +91-7006570529, +91-7006434685 

Asian Software Pvt ITI [A Unit of ICMS]
Recognised by J&K Government & Affiliated With JK State Board of Technical Education.
& Affiliated with ICMS -Established Under Section 8 Act of 1956, Govt of India.

Courses Offered by Asian Software Pvt : ITI-COPA (Computer Operator and Programming Assistant) under SCVT-JK Government & Other Certificate Courses: Conducted in partnership with ICMS.

Tally Prime with GST, TDS, TCS , Payroll  & ITR/GST Filling 

Detailed Syllabus

Introduction to Tally:  Introduction , Types of Accounts , Accounting Principles or concepts , Mode of Accounting, Rules of Accounting ,Double-entry system of bookkeeping, Company Creation, Shut Company , Delete Company, Alteration, Create Group of Company.

Account and Inventory Master: Company Features, Configuration, Getting functions with Tally prime, Creation / setting up of Company, Accounting Masters, Chart of Groups , Groups , Multiple Groups , Ledgers , Multiple Ledgers, Inventory Masters :  Stock Groups , Multiple Stock Groups , Stock Categories , Multiple Stock Categories , Units of Measure , Stock Items

Accounting Transaction Vouchers: Payment, Receipt, Contra, Sales. Purchase Debit Note, Credit Note.  Journal.

Inventory Transaction Voucher: Stock Journal, Physical Stock Voucher, Manufacturing Journal, Purchase Order, Sales Order, Goods Receipt Note, Delivery Note, Rejection Outwards, Rejection Inwards,

Advance Accounting:  Bill-wise details, Cost centers and Cost Categories, Multiple currencies, Interest calculations  Budget and controls , Scenario management , Bank Reconciliation.

Advance Inventory: Order Processing, Recorder Levels, Batch-wise details, Bill of Materials, Batch-Wise Details Different Actual and Billed Quantities, Price Lists , Zero-Valued Entries , Additional cost details , Point of Sales .

 TDS (Tax Deducted At Source):  Understanding TDS, Creating TDS Masters, Practical Examples, TDS Payment

TCS (Tax Collect At Source) : Understanding TCS, Creating TCS Masters, Practical Examples, TCS Payment.

GST (Goods and Service Tax)  : About Goods and Services Tax (GST), Activating Tally in GST, Setting Up GST (Company Level, Ledger Level or Inventory Level), GST Taxes & Invoices, Understanding SGST, CGST & IGST, Creating GST Masters in Tally, Updating GST Number for Suppliers, Practical on Intra-State Purchase Entry in GST (SGST + CGST), Practical on Inter-State Purchase Entry in GST (IGST), GST Purchase Entry for Unregistered Dealer in Tally, Reverse Charge Mechanism Entry for GST in Tally, Updating GST Number for Suppliers, Practical on Intra-State Sales Entry in GST (SGST + CGST), Practical on Inter-State Sales Entry in GST (IGST), Printing GST Sales Invoice from Tally ERP9 Software, Preparing of Excel Report Using Tally Prime

TECHNO LOGICAL ADVANTAGES: Tally vault, Security controls, Tally Audit, Backup and restore, Split company data Import and export of data ,Create a Company Logo.

PAYROLL ACCOUNTING: Employee Creation, Salary Define, Employee Attendance Register , Pay Heads Creation  Salary Report

GENERATING REPORTS: Financial Statements – Trading Account, Profit & Loss Account, Balance Sheet, Accounts Books and Reports Inventory Books and Reports Exception Reports


GST & ITR Filling

Qualification :  Any ERP

·         GST (Goods & Services Tax) Introduction, Registration, Threshold, regular taxpayer, composition taxpayer, Reverse charge Mechanism,

·         POS , (nil rated,zero rated, taxable, exempt and non GST supplies )  Amendments , opting monthly/quarterly Activating GST in Tally, Setting up GST (Company Level, Ledger Level or Inventory Level), Types of GST (CGST, SGST, UTGST and IGST)

·         URD sale purchase, intra state and interstate supplies, Single Entry for different Tax rated items.

·         GSTR 1 /GSTR 1A & GSTR 3B , GSTR 7 Fillings. GSTR 2A /GSTR B analysis DRC03 Filling Annual return filling  GSTR 9 Eway bills  Comparison Sheet analysis.

·         Notices and orders TDS & TCS (Tax deducted at source and Tax Collected at source) introduction, creating TDS & TCS masters with practical assignments.

·         ITR FILLING ITR 1, ITR 2, ITR 3, ITR 4, ITR 5, ITR6  and ITR 7.


ü  What is Financial Accounting? Objectives of Financial Accounting. Classification of Accounts

ü  Explain the Features of Tally

ü  What is Security? Explain types of Security control.

ü  Difference between Manual Accounting and Electronics Accounting

ü  What is Ledger? Explain the various types of Ledger.

ü  What is Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss & Trail Balance?

ü  Write Short Note on VAT? Difference between Input and Output vat.

ü  What is Budget? Types of Budgets

ü  Write Short Note on Cost Center

ü  Explain the Various Types of Voucher in Tally? Minimum 12 Vouchers.

ü  Write Short Note GST? IGST, CGST and SGST.

ü  Adjustment Entries of GST


Course Coordinator:   +91-7006570529 

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