Asian Software Pvt ITI A Unit of ICMS

Helpline : +91-7006570529, +91-7006434685 

Asian Software Pvt ITI [A Unit of ICMS]
Recognised by J&K Government & Affiliated With JK State Board of Technical Education.
& Affiliated with ICMS -Established Under Section 8 Act of 1956, Govt of India.

Courses Offered by Asian Software Pvt : ITI-COPA (Computer Operator and Programming Assistant) under SCVT-JK Government & Other Certificate Courses: Conducted in partnership with ICMS.

Certificate Course in Web Designing Using



(45 Days to 90 Days)




About Front-End Course: 

This course equips learners with the skills and knowledge to excel in Front-End Development. Participants will master HTML, CSS, JavaScript while learning responsive design, debugging, and optimization. Ideal for students and professionals aiming to build dynamic, user-friendly websites using the latest technologies.


Total Hours                :           Max 3 Months


Job Description          :           Front-End Developer to build responsive, user-friendly websites using

HTML, CSS and JavaScript.




1.      Introduction to Computer

2.      Number System:

3.      Introduction to Internet and WWW

4.      HTML:

5.      HTML 5

6.      CSS

7.      Java Script

8.      Page Skills

9.      Final Mini Project


Detailed Syllabus


1.      Introduction to Computer- Computer and Latest IT gadgets, Evolution of Computers & its applications, IT gadgets and their applications, Basics of Hardware and Software, Central Processing Unit, Input devices, Output devices, Computer Memory & storage, Application Software, Systems Software, Utility Software, Open source and Proprietary Software, Mobile Apps.


2.      Number System- Binary number system, Binary to Decimal Conversion, Decimal to Binary Conversion, Octal number system, Octal to Decimal Conversion, Decimal to Octal Conversion, Hexadecimal number system, Hexadecimal to Decimal Conversion, Decimal to Hexadecimal Conversion


3.      Introduction to Internet and WWW       Basic of Computer Networks, Local Area Network (LAN), Wide Area Network (WAN), Network Topology. Transmission media & method of communication, Cabling: straight through and cross over, Introduction to IP Address, MAC address. Internet, Concept of Internet & WWW, Applications of Internet, Website Address and URL, Network administrator, Network Components: Severs, Clients, Communication Media, Types of network: Peer to Peer, Clients Server, addressing in Internet: DNS, Domain Name and their organization, understanding the Internet Protocol Address. Network topologies: Bus, star and ring, Mesh, Tree,


4.      HTML- Introduction, Basic Structure of HTML, Formatting Tags, HTML Links, Tables,Forms Frames: Frameset, nested  Frames, HTML Images,


5.      HTML 5 – Introduction, HTML5 New Elements:  Section, Nav, Article, Aside, Audio Tag, Video Tag, HTML5 Form Validations: Require Attribute, Pattern Attribute, Autofocus Attribute, email, number type, date type, Range type, HTML embed multimedia, HTML Layout, Iframe


6.      CSS: Introduction to CSS, Types of CSS, CSS Selectors: Universal Selector, ID selector, Tag Selector, Class Selector, Sub Selector, Attribute Selector, Group Selector, CSS Properties: Back Ground properties, Block Properties, Box properties, List properties, Border Properties, Positioning Properties, CSS Lists CSS Tables, CSS Menu Design, CSS Image Gallery


7.      Java Script: Introduction to Client Side Scripting Language, Variables in Java Script, operators in JS, Conditions Statements, JS Popup Boxes, JS Events, Basic Form Validations in JavaScript.


8.      Page Skills Create a webpage with- A navigation bar, A section with an image and text A contact form


9.      Final Mini Project

    1. Create a simple multi-page website (e.g., a personal portfolio or blog).
    2. CSS for styling and layout.
    3. JavaScript for basic interactivity (Form  Validation ).


ICMS Limited,                                                  Branch Office : Firdous Cenima Hawal.
First  Floor Razvi Builiding ,
Near Mirza Kamil Chowk Hawal Srinagar-190011

Phone                         :           +91 -7780876768, 01943-566583

E-mail                          : , Visit us:

Emergency Helpline   :           +91-9018-840815,

ICMS Training Branches:        Hawal / Ganderbal / Chadoora Budgam / Karanagar


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